Watch Mario the Maker Magician Debut on Jimmy Fallon: Full Video
Mario the Maker Magician impresses The Tonight Show audience, along with a special group of kids.

We’ve made sure to keep close tabs on Mario the Maker Magician’s first off-Broadway run, especially after it’s been held in such high regard. To get the word out for the show along with his upcoming tour, Mario stepped on the iconic Tonight Show stage for the first time ever to demonstrate his robot magic.
Most performers who appear on television bend their own performance style to fit the constraints of the specific show. Magicians on The Tonight Show usually perform directly for Jimmy and members of the in-house band The Roots. In classic Mario fashion, he bent the show to fit his style while sticking to what he does best: family entertainment.
Although Jimmy was up on stage with him, there was an array of kids sitting on a carpet to participate when needed and to match his hectic style of performance. Signs were appearing, breaking, and appearing again while confetti littered the stage. Eventually, a nest of appearances capped off the performance in astonishing fashion.
As if we haven’t urged you enough, if you are in New York City, go see his residency before it’s over. If you aren’t a kid, you’ll feel like one when you’re watching Mario joyously grace the stage.