The Session Convention Launches a New Feature for Magician Attendees

Vanishing Inc is offering a basecamp for first time convention attendees to ease them into the convention experience.

Magician Paavan Buddhdev performing a magic trick on stage
Paavan Buddhdev will lecture at The Session 2024

Vanishing Inc, run by Josh Jay and Andi Gladwin, has quickly become one of the premiere names in not only selling magic but featuring great magic. The company hosts some of the marquee conventions running today like Magifest and The Session which bring in some of the biggest names in magic to give you hands-on teaching experience. One of the best features of any magic convention comes within the in between time of each lecture and event where you’re able to jam with like minded performers.

This can be a daunting task for anyone new to the magic scene, especially if you’ve never been to a convention before. Inserting yourself into a group dynamic can prove difficult and can turn many people off from joining conversations they could massively benefit from being a part of. In a new addition, Magifest and The Session are introducing Basecamp to ease in first-time attendees at the 2024 conventions.

Before we get into the nitty gritty of what Basecamp is, it’s important to note that this feature is completely free of charge and open to all attendees. Included under the Basecamp umbrella is a welcome event where you’ll be able to meet with fellow magicians and throughout the convention you’ll have access to specially marked jam session tables. 

Each of these marked tables will have a host to guide the conversation along and help facilitate learning. These spaces can help to calm the fears of someone who is intimidated by their first convention experience merely because they don’t know anybody there.

There’s no obligation to perform, but Basecamp will help fill the time so you’re not wasting the hours away in your hotel room. And, like we said, it’s completely free of charge and can be added to your convention experience just by checking a box when you get your ticket.

When is The Session Magic Convention 2024?

The convention takes place from Friday January 12th to Sunday January 14th in London. Tickets are starting at £195 and should be reserved as soon as possible. There are only 400 spots at this smaller convention and it always sells out.

The same mentality goes for Magifest. Although there is a bigger allotted number of spots, there are limited rooms available in the hotel, so if you want to go to either convention book your spot now.

Who will be at The Session 2024?

The performer and speakers are stacked this year with the likes of Luke Jermay, Axel Hecklau, and Allan Ackerman along with many more names announced on Vanishing Inc’s website.

For as many names that are advertised on the marquee, expect a few famous faces to pop up amongst attendees. You never know who will be at a convention until you’re actually there.

Vanishing Inc. always does a great job of growing and adding in new features and experiences to their ever growing company name. Hats off to Josh and Andi for crafting another great convention, it’s bound to be spectacular as always.