Spoilers: What You Missed in Dynamo’s New TV Special

Find out what happened in Dynamo is Dead on Sky TV. The British magicians returned to the screen in a 2-hour event.

Magician Dynamo emerges from being buried alive while undertaking his given name Steven Frayne
Steven Frayne

Here at One Ahead, we have been closely reporting on the re-emergence of one of magic’s biggest stars, Dynamo. From the announcement of Dynamo is Dead to his press tour, including Dynamo on Sky Sports. Te performer has been doing his rounds in the past month. On Thursday December 14th his long-awaited Dynamo is Dead special aired on SkyTV, if you weren’t able to catch it here’s everything you missed and what’s to come for Dynamo next.

The two-hour special had every hallmark of a traditional magic special with a few extra add-ons. Celebrity appearances were peppered throughout the program showing their reactions to tremendous feats like Dynamo removing boxing superstar Tyson Fury’s championship belt from a framed photo.

Other celebrities like singer Demi Lovato, comedian Pete Davidson, and model Cara Delevingne joined Dynamo to share their stories on illness, both mental and physical, and how it has affected their well-being while under public scrutiny. This, of course, is tied into the overall message of the special, overcoming obstacles and rebirth.

The focus then switched to the build-up to burying Dynamo alive, and recently injured escape artist Jonathan Goodwin was brought in to share further background on the stunt. Goodwin provided expert consultation while being a reminder of what happens when a stunt goes wrong: Jonathan Goodwin is suing AGT for a life-changing injury. It was explained to the audience that this was the most fatal trick ever that even Houdini couldn’t accomplish.

Slowly tension built before Dynamo was put into the ground. Every performer that has attempted this stunt has their own unique twist to stand out. David Blaine was buried underground for seven days and nights in a clear plexiglass coffin that was under three tons of water so the audience could see him the whole time. Dynamo’s twist came in the form of ditching the coffin, which made for a harrowing visual as more and more dirt piled onto his bare body.

The build up revealing his preparations was intense, the act of burying him made everyone’s heart rate spike, and for the nearly three minutes while Dynamo was underground not a single viewer was able to catch their breath. Finally, Dynamo emerged from the dirt, gasping for air as the broadcasters pointed out he is the first person to ever escape being buried alive without a coffin.

The emergence from the grave wasn’t just literal, it had symbolic meaning to him as well. There have been murmurs of a rebranding for Dynamo leading up to the special, and it seems as if these theories were proven true. The performer’s alter ego, Dynamo, was left in the grave as he emerged as a new man under his given name, Steven Frayne. 

What’s next for Steven Frayne?

Although it is entirely unclear if the name Dynamo has truly been laid to rest, it can be assumed that Frayne will use his birth name henceforth. What’s down the line for Frayne might be another magic special or even a live touring show. On the performer’s Instagram, there’s a signup link that will definitely keep you most up to date on what’s coming next.