13-Year-Old Magician Avery Fisher Smashes Underwater Magic Record: Full Video

Watch Avery Fisher break the world record for the most tricks performed underwater.

Magician Avery Fisher celebrates her new world record for tricks performed underwate
Avery Fisher

Every year the Guinness Book of World Records comes out with a new book detailing all the incredible feats done by ordinary and extraordinary people worldwide. Records range from small in scale, like most Rubik’s cubes solved on a skateboard, to superhuman feats like the longest distance to pull an aeroplane by one person.

There’s a subcategory of records within the art of magic like the largest audience for a magic performance (38,503 people), most faro shuffles in 12 hours (5,568), and so on. Recently, a record for most tricks performed underwater was broken in impressive fashion by 13-year-old magician Avery Fisher which is no small feat.

Avery is a magician and scuba diver who merged both of her passions during the pandemic. Her love for magic and diving were equal, and when she learned of the initial record, she was enamoured. The original record, set by UK magician Martin Rees in 2020, stood at 20 tricks performed in a three-minute span.

Three years later, Fisher just performed a whopping 46 tricks within the same three minutes, and although eight tricks were ultimately disqualified, she successfully and easily broke the record.


The stunt took place at San Francisco’s Aquarium of the Bay on November 11th. She was surrounded by fish, 14℃ water, and her friends and family, who were outside of the tank, of course. Two experts also tagged along to verify that each illusion was executed, and a video recording of the event was sent to Guinness, who eventually rewarded her with the coveted record-breaking plaque.

This is a feat that can be pushed aside easily when you overlook the months of training that went into the dive. Currently, Avery holds over 12 scuba certificates and has been on over 30 ocean dives before the age of 14. In her first practice run, she performed 25 tricks which would’ve given her the title of record holder, but she didn’t just want to beat the record she wanted to annihilate it.

Chef Anton Riniti, her mentor who guided her along the way, worked closely with her on the development of each trick and has also certified over 250 divers as “Scuba magicians”.

Riniti’s scuba magicians perform 15 different effects underwater for aspiring scuba divers as they explore the depths of the oceans. People who join his program aren’t initially magicians but are trained to perform effects utilizing waterproof cards, rubber bands, and unique reveals on their scuba equipment. Riniti constantly praises Avery’s hard work and dedication for her age, as she is the youngest scuba magician in his program.

Avery is still diving to this day and hopes this publicity stunt will help raise awareness for marine conservation and ocean stewardship. Given that she got her initial scuba certification at age 10, the youngest possible age to be certified, don’t be surprised if she continues to make headlines both in the magic and diving community.

When we were thirteen years old, we'd barely just learned magic from our first magic set, so hats off to Avery! Fisher is always there to remind us that it doesn’t matter what age you are; it’s important to explore your passions to the fullest extent, even if your passions are seemingly unrelated.