Brice Harney on Asi Wind & Derek DelGaudio: Interview

Magicians should pay close attention to mentalist Brice Harney. His career continues to build momentum, and we're stoked he found time to answer our questions.

Magician Brice Harney springing playing cards against black backdrop
Magician Brice Harney

He's one of the busiest magicians and mentalists in the United States. The Dallass-based magician launched his performing career with a four-year international tour with one of the college circuit's most sought-after shows.

Since then, Harney embarked on a solo career creating experiences for some of the most recognizable organizations and churches in America. He's performed for teams at Google, Facebook, Toyota, and more.

And if he finds the time, he'll also show off his mind-reading skills on television for channels like FOX, ABC and Channel 5.

Brice is definitely someone to keep an eye on in the coming years as the future of magicians adapts to its surroundings. We're stoked to say he took the time to answer our questions. Give his insights a read below:

When were you most starstruck?

More surprised than starstruck. Years back, when I was really into making magic videos on YouTube, a group of magicians I toured with took me to a hotel where we were going to meet "someone" for a "business meeting." While I'm staring straight up at the ceiling, admiring the fancy chandelier in the lobby, a voice behind me said, "Hey man, what's up?!" It was Justin Flom. My buddies insisted it took me a few seconds to say hi back. There was no business meeting.

What is your favourite magic trick?

David Blaine's ring-to-coat hanger is up there. The combination and justification of a body stunt mixed with magic is rare to find. Most magic routines illicit a reaction from the audience only when the magic moment happens. During Blaine's routine, the audience is reacting the entire time to him swallowing the ring and hanger. Then he kicks them in the teeth with the magic moment finale where the audience loses their minds.

Who is the most famous person you could text right now?

Joel Zimmerman (deadmau5). He texts me good morning every day. One of those sentences is true.

Do you have a nickname?

Yes, but if I told you the nickname, then you would be able to find me on Xbox Live, and that's where I go to hide.

Okay, fine, my gamertag is roryismyfav. Hey, wait, don't write that. I don't want this going into the interview and finding out I love One Ahead's editor, Rory. You made that up!

Has a trick you perform ever gone wrong?

At an event, while promoting my evening performance via walk-around magic, I borrowed a woman's phone and unlocked it.

Ten minutes later, her friend, Megan, finds me and says sternly, "What did you do to Amanda's phone?"

"What do you mean?" I replied, caught off guard.

"Amanda's phone is locked for thirty minutes now because every time she tried to use her passcode to unlock her phone, it didn't work. We called the police. Come with me," said Megan.

When we reached Amanda, I tried to explain that I didn't change her passcode or modify anything in the settings to lock her out. The police show up, and I explain the same to them. Then Amanda makes a face and speaks up... "Oh my gosh, I was putting in my old passcode."

Technically the trick did not go wrong. The situation, however, went very, very wrong. Amanda, I'm glad you finally remembered your new passcode that I entered right in front of your face only 5 minutes before you locked yourself out of your phone.

Who would play you in a movie about your life?

Brad Pitt or Nick Jonas. They both rock the buzz cut well.

How much is a pint of thumb tips?

Depends on how much money is stuffed inside of it. Also, use a thumb tip. We are not too cool for thumb tips.

When did a magic trick most fool you?

Asi Wind made a playing card disappear and then reappear inside MY phone case...which was in my pocket!

Special mention: The wall in Derek DelGaudio's In & of Itself.

What books do you recommend?

To make us better performers: Maximum Entertainment by Ken Weber

Special mention: What Do Audiences Really Think (PDF) by Joshua Jay

For amazing magic: Repertoire by Asi Wind

Where is the strangest place you've ever performed magic?

I performed magic in a maximum security prison in the Arctic Circle. On the way out, I held the door wide open and said to the inmates, "Who's coming with me?!" You should have seen the look on the guards' faces.

Book Brice Harney to perform at your event.