Richard Young & Marc Kerstein Launch Magic Circle Election Coverage News Network

For the first time, you can follow along with all of the secretive Magic Circle's presidential bids in this new video series.

Screenshot from the new YouTube video featuring Young and Kerstein at news desk
Circle's News Channel: Screenshot

That's right. The headline is accurate. London's famous Magic Circle just began its election cycle for a new president, vice president and council members. For the first time ever, you can watch the story (and the drama) unfold via video news coverage on YouTube.

The Magic Circle is a renowned organization dedicated to the art and practice of magic, located in London, United Kingdom. Founded in 1905, it serves as a gathering place for magicians, illusionists, and conjurers from around the world. The Magic Circle's headquarters, located in the heart of London, is a historic building that houses an extensive library, museum, and a theater where members showcase their extraordinary talents.

The Circle is a place for magicians to exchange ideas, hone their skills, and promote the art of magic. While the majority of its activities are reserved for members, The Magic Circle occasionally opens its doors to the public, offering enchanting performances and glimpses into the captivating world of magic.

Usually, the goings-on of its presidential elections are kept pretty secretive. So this is a rare chance for the outside world to follow what's happening, who's running for president and who will win this year's election. Young and Kerstein also give a look into how the voting is kept secure and uncheatable, as Marc interviews the Circle's returning officer in episode one.

Kerstein is best known for working alongside David Blaine on his specials and live events, and when he's not doing that he's busy building the best magic apps on the App Store, like WikiTest. Richard Young is known as one half of double act, Young & Strange, and is well-respected amongst magicians for his work on The Magicians Podcast, interviewing 100 famous magicians.

You can give the first episode a watch below: